Everything happens for a reason

Blog 10

Following The Thread Strategy 

A strategy that I enjoy working with because it allows me to get all of my ideas out on paper and readjust my thinking. 

Our essay prompt is to discuss our personal perspective on the integration of art with our particular major. In my case, I am looking at art and dental hygiene. Initially one would not think that these two disciplines correlate very much, but after taking a step back and identifying how science and art depend on each other, it is easier to see just how important art is in dental hygiene. A few different reasons I believe art belongs in dental hygiene starts as early on as the courses we take in college before ever touching a single tooth. I am enrolled in a drawing class as a requirement for graduation. While I thought this would be pointless, the lessons I am learning in drawing can be applied to all areas of my life. Learning to take a step back, pay attention to detail, and have a creative, carefree attitude when problem-solving.  Another important course that can be taken in college would include a sculpture class. For dental technicians, dealing with creating molds and models is a very important piece of their job, and having a background in creating structures can be extremely helpful. Beyond the years learning in college there are examples of art see within the dentist office itself that depends on the presence of art. In the office, some examples of ways that art is used are through the music playing and the pictures drawn on the ceiling tiles meant to be something to look at while getting your teeth cleaning. The denitist can be a very scary thing for many people so providing calming music can make all the difference in the experience. The art on the cieling can provide a place for small childnre to stay focused on and another calming effect that can shift the overall mood of the office. Along with these few ways art can impact dental hygiene as a career, there are millions of other examples that lead to the overall extreme importance of the integration of art and science.

1 Comment

  1. Elisha M Emerson

    Amazing! I love the comprehensive and deep perspective that you bring to the subject. You truly have a strong grasp on what art can bring to the table. Well done.

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